Saturday 31 August 2024

Genealogy and the dog days of summer


                                                                Some of the pictures now on my dining room wall

I was able to attend a meeting of the PoCo Genealogy Group this past week, something I am rarely able to do as it is usually held on the first Wednesday of the month which conflicts with another meeting I attend. Before the presentation about the latest Ancestry updates started, one of the other attendees asked me, "Are you getting much genealogy done?" I nodded yes. Her answer to that was "I'm not." When I looked around the table there were fewer attendees that usual. I don't know if that was because of the change from the meeting's usual date or if the missing people had also been sidelined by the dog days of summer.

It has been hard to get into research lately as life speeds up as we head towards the start of September which is often a cue to start the usual work and school days up again. I'm hoping that some of my latest activity will bring me some inspiration on the family history front. The walls of my living space were mostly bare but recently a friend helped me to hang some of the many paintings and framed photos in my possession. Since I am related to not only the people in the photos but also to the artists whose paintings I have hung, I'm hoping that being surrounded by their works brings me insights into the past. 

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