Saturday 24 August 2024

Checking out WikiTree


                                                        My sparse family tree as it currently appears on my software

I'm always interested in learning new things related to genealogy and, with the advent of DNA testing and the various ways it can further research, I've added genetic genealogy education to my repertoire. Last year I signed up for the Study Group at Your DNA Guide where they talked a lot about their DNA Skills course. The study group members in the skills course seemed so much further ahead, so I signed up for that as well figuring that I'd have time to take the course since the yearlong Study Group would be over. Then, of course, they offered a special deal to join the second year of Study Group. So I signed up for that too.

Its has been interesting and, at times, overwhelming especially when the DNA Skills course was still happening but that's over now - well, sort of, I still haven't reached the end of the lessons. I kind of got distracted by my research goal which was to find the father of Mary Maidment, my 3 x great grandmother. Finding that link led to my interest in gamekeepers.

When looking for my Maidment links, I headed off in the wrong direction at first, adding many links to my new family tree software. Those incorrect links have been deleted and my tree on my version of Family Historian is looking sparse. I really should enter more family there but I've been offered another distraction. The latest session of Your DNA Guide Study Group was a session about WikiTree.

I'd heard about WikiTree before and have listened to well-known genealogists extoll its virtues but I wasn't sold on being part of a community that was working on a single family tree. that could be a holdover from listening to people's complaints about the single family tree on FamilySearch. But, after watching Connie Davis and Greg Clarke explain how the WikiTree site works, I signed up. So it looks like I will be filling in my family tree on that site as well as on my own software. It looks like there is a social side to WikiTree too as I've received emails welcoming me. Nice, except that I can't keep up with my emails as it is!


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