Saturday, 3 December 2022

DNA update


Most of the topics covered in the talks on my recent genealogy cruise to Alaska were about DNA. That meant lots of DNA chatter. The fact that a lot of us knew us each other from years of genealogy meetings and volunteering at BCGS helped the conversation along. As a bonus, there were draws for various prizes during our seminar days. I won a year of the paid tier at GEDmatch. I've been meaning to activate my prize. Not that I've done it yet. 

Before I got more deeply into DNA, I wanted to expand my family tree on Ancestry first. One of the BCGS members advised me that adding twigs to the branches of my family tree would help when looking for matches. But where to start? I've been researching various branches of my family tree for decades. I've gone deep and long on a lot of branches. The task seemed daunting. The tree expansion project became something to do later as other events filled my time. 

Then I got an email from one of my matches. We know that we connect but are not sure how. But we have our link narrowed down to a probable county in England. There will be an incentive now to add more names and family connections to my family tree. I just hope that we will be able to figure out our common ancestor once the work is done. 

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