Saturday 23 January 2021

DNA Update


I began this year with a promise to myself that I would do more DNA posts this year. I figured writing it down would prod me to do more with my genetic genealogy. In the past, I've attended webinars and conferences about DNA where I've taken dutiful notes. The problem was that I just didn't use what I'd learned. I'm hoping to change that.

So, when I needed to interview someone for my writing course, I chose the facilitator for the BC Genealogical Society's DNA interest groups. I thought I might as well kill two birds with one stone. Not only would I fulfill the requirements of the course, but I would also learn more about the subject of DNA and one person's experience in the field.

It was a wide-ranging discussion, touching on what got her interested in DNA, adoptees and search angels, the use of DNA to solve cold cases and TV programs such as The Genetic Detective and Finding Your Roots. The consensus was, that even though research in those programs is shown in an unrealistic light, we still find the shows fascinating.

Something else that we discussed was some emails that she had sent me which compared our GEDmatch kits. At the end of the interview, I asked about the information she had sent which was broken down by chromosome and included other DNA kits as well. I'm currently transcribing the end of the almost two-hour long interview. I think that the details about the information she had sent me will help me to jump start my journey into genetic genealogy.

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