Saturday 18 May 2024

DNA update


I signed up for two DNA courses on the Your DNA Guide site. They both started at the same time so it is hard going at the beginning. One of them is only for 10 weeks and the other is the Study Group which runs for a year. The shorter one, the DNA Skills Course, actually gets the participant to use their own DNA information to find out more about their own family lines through the use of genetic genealogy.

When I signed up for the more intense course, I planned on having my family tree DNA ready by filling in the collateral lines before I started. Funny how it seems there's lots of time before something starts and then it's a scramble to get even some of it done. So now part of my time is spent getting my tree in order and the other, trying to keep up with the lessons in both courses. I seem to be perpetually behind.

A bit of knowledge is rubbing off though as I look through my matches. I've decided to concentrate on my Ancestry match list to make life simpler. I just hope I've set a research question that can be answered with the use of DNA. The actual question is not in doubt, it's whether or not I have matches which can provide the answer. I hope that I do but I'm working on an English line and DNA testing in that country is not as widespread as it is in the US. I'll see how this goes but even if I don't come up with an answer I'll have learned the technique which I can use on other family lines. 

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