Saturday, 2 December 2023

Encapsulated history


                                                Burying the latest time capsule at Veterans Square in Port Coquitlam

Sometimes people living in the present make history. No, not by being part of a catastrophic event or by breaking some kind of record or something like that. There are times when a person can be witness to preserving things for posterity. That was the case in Port Coquitlam on November 30.

PoCo has been updating the areas close to city hall. One of those places was Veterans Park, the area that holds the cenotaph where people gather to pay their respects on Remembrance Day. Because the renovation called for laying new paving stones, digging was involved. When that was done two time capsules were unearthed, opened and lists of their contents taken. One of the time capsules was from 2013, so just 10 years or so ago. PoCo Heritage members took part in placing that box of memorabilia in the ground and it was not supposed to be dug up until 2038. The other time capsule that made its appearance was from 1998 and among the things it contained were 9 inch floppy discs. Of course, we can no longer read them because we don't have access to the old technology.  

I think we learned from those mistakes. The things buried this time in the latest time capsule don't rely on technology to be read and contain a mixture of items we hope will be of interest when the 2023 time capsule is dug up. It was good to witness history in the making.

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