Thursday, 23 March 2017

A Story of Vancouver in the ‘70s, part 7

Early October in Vancouver is harvest time. Plants are lush and fruits and vegetables ripe for picking. The Sunday before we moved to Calgary, we celebrated Thanksgiving with friends. After feasting indoors, we spent time outside on the porch and in the garden enjoying the company and the mellow air. 

A few days later, I had my first view of Calgary. I took one look at the brown grass and leafless trees and thought, “How soon can I get out of here?” 

It took 10 months to get back to Vancouver. In the meantime, we worked. I changed jobs a few times. I remember working in a fabric store. Winter-dry hands aren’t the best for handling fabric. It was a Vancouver company and the paycheques were late around Christmas, the truck bringing them was stuck in the snow in the Rockies. I also had a few jobs in working for the oil industry in Calgary offices. 

In the dead of winter, Chris and I were sharing a downtown flat. It was so cold I can remember hovering over the radiators and only the part of me closest to the heater felt any warmth. It was in Calgary that we found out that -40 is the same on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales by going for a walk in it.   

There were new friends and new experiences while we were there. We changed residences and roommates on several occasions. Our original crew seemed to drift apart except for one time. We all agreed to take a trip back to Vancouver, just for a visit.

 An early October picture taken in a Vancouver suburb

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