The portion at the top of the Strange tree showing Reverend Thomas and his sisters
The two weeks I spent in Salt Lake City were heavy into genealogy. The first week my friend and I were with the Ancestor Seekers group who were very helpful in suggesting ways to find the information we were searching for. Then in the second week leading up to Rootstech we also spent time in the FamilySearch Library but it was getting busier day by day and by that point we were getting a bit punchy from staring at computer screens so our days in the library were getting shorter and shorter. I still got a lot done and I think taking breaks helped.
I'm glad to report that I followed my plan of using the family tree that I found stuffed in my Strange family binder. Not that I followed up with the Ohio relatives that Mary Strange, the daughter of Reverend Thomas Strange, had written about in her letters. I got sidetracked because I saw that the information on the found family tree for Reverend Strange's sister, Mary Strange, only stated that she had married Thomas Hinton and didn't name any descendants. I just knew, maybe from half remembered information I'd picked up somewhere that the Hintons were of interest. In fact, previous research about Reverend Thomas turned up the fact that he taught young people one of whom was his sister Mary's child, James Hinton. That fact stayed with me in part because it showed the connections between nonconformist faiths as Thomas Strange was a Congregational minister, while his nephew James became a Baptist minister.
I'm happy that my research plan was adaptable so I could go where the research led me. There was much more to learn about the Hintons, so much so that it took up much of my research time at the library and, now that I home, I'm discovering more. I just hope my enthusiasm continues as I get back to those Ohio family connections.