Saturday 2 November 2019

When the Gathering is Done

Some of the information and notebooks I have gathered this year

I love the hunt; gathering facts from various sources, visiting archives and libraries and attending classes and webinars. If I had my druthers, I would spend all my time doing those things. But there comes a time to take stock, to find out what has been found and to put it in some sort of order. It I don't, I might go hunting for the same information again even though it is in the stacks of notes I made from previous forays. That has happened to me more than once. 
At the beginning of the year, I started out with good intentions. I went through some of my family binders to see what I have, what should be kept in the binder, what should be filed elsewhere and what I stuffed in the front of the binder when I didn't have time to put things in order. Supposedly I have time now so I should use some of it to set things in order.

What concerns me particularly at this time, are the notebooks I have used to record information on my research trips. Who knows what treasures I will find in those books? Not to mention the gems that I have picked up in the classes I have taken. It is time to put some of that knowledge to use rather than blithely jogging down the research trail every chance I get. We'll see how far I get organizing my information this time. I'll keep my eye out for potential story ideas for my blog too.

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